Program notes for the workshop WaldLing       - sweatlodge & bullroarer –

FRIDAY: 16 to 21 o'clock arrival & get to know - fire making

Friday is arrival and cozy get-together at the campfire: We get to know each other and prepare some food for the evening. We will talk about what brought us to the workshop, what we expect and want to achieve for us personally.

  • What are your expectations?
  • What is your current situation?
  • What do you like right now?
  • What do you want to amplify?

Overview Friday:

  • site visit and set up camp
  • welcome and organizational stuff
  • presentation and discussion of the overall workshop
  • roundtable on personal content and topics of the participants


SATURDAY: 8 to 9 pm - herbalism and sweat lodge
This time our sweatlodge puts the focus on "strengthening and empowering" - summer greeting. We will call the spirits and beings to further support our plans and what we already do well!


Overview Saturday:

  • barefoot walk in the forest - herbalism
  • action block cooking (Team Fox)
  • action block fire making (Team Raccoon) – general preparations, building the tinder bundle and ignite it with various methods
  • preparation of the sweat lodge - formation of teams and work allocation
  • prepare the firewood for the sweat lodge, transport it and light the large fire
  • select stones, clean the space, prepare the gifts
  • fill and transport the water buckets from the near lake
  • build and cover framework of the sweat lodge, transport of the blankets
  • perform the sweat lodge
  • relax after the sweat lodge
  • overall reflection at the campfire

SUNDAY: 8 am to 5 pm - stretching exercises and bullroarer


On Sunday, after our dynamic stretching, the carving of the bullroarer follows. After breakfast and our reflection session we will build a tool which we can use to reconnect with nature and call the good spirits, companions and protectors. This bullroarer will accompany us into our everyday life and call our spiritual helpers. Everyone will carve a bullroarer for themselves. There is a lot to consider when you learn how to carve!


Overview Sunday:

  • stretching exercises
  • action block cooking (Team Raccoon)
  • action block fire making (Team Fox) general preparations, building the tinder bundle and ignite it with various methods
  • action block "bullroarer": preparing the carving, selecting the wood, making blanks with an ax and a knife, attaching string, sanding and polishing as well as decorating
  • inauguration of the bullroarer
  • reflection round & farewell ritual
  • departure


Further informations:


Important! Please fill out the registration form completely and read the terms and conditions, the safety instructions for the sweatlodge as well as for the tools!


Number of participants: Maximum 13 persons, minimum 7 persons